Types of hacks



In the digital sphere

 A hacker is a person who has the ability to identify holes in a system and can use such weaknesses to their advantage or harm.

Nowadays, most people believe that hacking involves breaking into websites or people's Facebook accounts.

 Alright, that sounds really terrible to me. It appears that but not for me.

You must first have a foundational understanding of programming and a strong desire to become a hacker.  Be open to learning and discovering new things every day.

 In order to understand problems with computer systems, hackers are always learning new techniques. However, some of them use this knowledge to perpetrate crimes for their own ends, which is why programmers are still incredibly common for theft or network damage. They undermine the ideals that were taught to them in school. Now, if you also need to learn how to become a hacker, follow all the rules and instructions, don't learn with the goal of pulverization but learn with the goal of overcoming obstacles and helping the community. You must use an OS similar to UNIX.


Working systems for the web include UNIX and UNIX-like OS. Although it is possible to understand the Web without having any UNIX experience, this is a need for becoming a Web programmer. As a result, UNIX already has an extraordinarily strong programmer culture. There are many different kinds of UNIX-like operating systems, but Linux stands out because it can coexist with Microsoft Windows on the same hardware.

Linux can be downloaded from the internet, saved to your computer, and used to learn a variety of UNIX-related subjects even via networks.

HTML is a necessary skill. Learn the fundamentals of HyperText Mark-Up Language if you don't know how to program (HTML). It is incredibly challenging to jump between different pages or websites if you don't know HTML.

P You should become familiar with each programming language's rules before you begin writing about them.

You need to decide which programming language you want to learn among the many different types that are employed.


Theatrical performers, musicians, philosophers, and engineers are similar to hackers.

Freedom and shared accountability are values they uphold.

They prefer to approach problems intelligently, with the proper solution, and without speculating.



There are no issues that require two solutions.

Hackers always hold that when you find a solution to an issue, you should post it online or share it with others, so that they can also learn and assist others.ick up a few programming languages.


Realize that you might run into authoritarian authorities if you become a hacker because you may be charged with various crimes both inside and outside of your government.

You can be guilty if you are unaware of the applicable authorities' processes.


Everybody needs to be wiser than the next person and spend more time online studying new things.

Learn how to create several types of Open-Source Software.

Create applications that other hackers will find useful.

Send out publications or emails with useful, instructive material.

A booklet with frequently asked questions should also be included (FAQ)

Learn different network structures and other things.






These are the individuals who employ the tools, scripts, techniques, and software created by actual hackers. These are the hackers who don't know exactly what the system is but are nevertheless capable of destroying it using the techniques already in use, duplicating everything instead of imitating other hackers' actions.


Script kiddle




Penetration testers are another name for them.

The act of determining if a system is vulnerable to intrusion is known as penetration testing.

In order to increase security, the Whitehat hacker targets the target system.

They are frequently used by businesses as a means of system protection.







They are additionally penetration testers.

 They do not, however, want to defend themselves; rather, they seek to undermine the system in order to either steal various pieces of information or simply prevent it from operating normally. The actions they are taking are prohibited under internet policy.



Example Jonathan was given a 16-year prison sentence for breaking into the servers of DTRA, one of the most important government agencies in the country.

Jonathan additionally broke into NASA servers and stole software worth $1.7 million (over 3 and a half billion Tanzanian shillings)

These hackers are flexible and may have malicious or helpful intentions.

Many of the hackers in this group use hacking as a game, point out flaws in other methods or introduce fresh hacking techniques.


example in 2013

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook account was hacked by Khali Shreateh, a volunteer computer security researcher, to get him to fix a flaw he had found that allowed him to publish on anyone's Facebook page without that person's approval. Following the occurrence, Facebook fixed the issue.




These are hackers that use their expertise to divulge private information to justify the wrongdoings carried out by a government or other public entity and frequently be a part of organizations like Lulzsec



In the 2009 Iranian election, a gang of hackers published material that revealed wrongdoings by the authorities throughout the poll.

Denis dejong'

Do not fear computers, fear lack of them

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