Have you ever wondered which of the human brain and the computer has more power? then this question is one of the most popular questions that many scholars have been asking and researching for many years.

Others have tried to limit the comparison in four spheres which are,

• Energy efficiency

• Storage

• Memory

• And processing speed.

But today we will go beyond that.


Have you ever tested your mental ability with a computer? It is possible that the answer is yes, maybe you tried to give yourself a small calculation to see who you and the computer can give the answer faster and the computer beat you.

 If you take the computer and the human brain quickly, you will see that the computer is smart and faster than the brain, yes this makes the computer It may seem more powerful, but there is much more behind this story, and the truth is that the human brain has twice the power of a "large contemporary super computer".

Grab some popcorn, then strike a relaxed pose..


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The brain can perform the same tasks as the "fastest super computer" using only a tiny fraction of the energy needed to light a dim bulb. In contrast, the "fastest super computer" can release enough energy to illuminate an entire typical home.

About 100 watts are used by the average PC. On the other hand, the average human brain uses roughly 10 watts. Yes, your brain consumes ten times as much energy as a computer. A light bulb consumes more energy than the brain.

The brain needs glucose while the computer uses electricity for energy, which is the first notable distinction between the two.

Estimates of the number of neurons, or nerve cells, in a typical brain vary. Numerous studies have shown that the brain may contain 100 billion neurons, however a study from Stanford University suggests that the real number of neurons in the brain is 200 billion.

Perhaps you're asking yourself, "How do you compare here?

, a brain has neurons and a computer has bytes. How can the two be compared?

Now let's leave.

The capacity of neurons to mix together is a significant difference between the human brain and flash memory in computers (storage and memory are combined). 


There are roughly a thousand connections to other neurons. This dynamic effect generates a huge store capacity in the average human brain, which has more than a trillion connections.

We can calculate the storage capacity of the brain in 1 petabyte, which can be equivalent to more than a thousand SSDs with a 1TB capacity, or in other words, GB million, based on our current, very limited understanding of neurons.

The average computer uses between 500 GB and 1 TB of storage, and the most advanced computer in the world, which will be built in China in 2022, will have 9 petabytes. The brain and its weight only occupy a little portion of the space compared to the pump and the huge power of those processors.


If you read the book called "Life-how did it get here?" By creation or evolution?"

Carl Sagan, a scientist, was astounded that the human brain could hold enough data to "fill twenty million volumes," or all of the world's largest libraries combined. He said: "The brain is a very large place in a very tiny space."  

 And what occurs in this cramped area defies human control. understanding Consider what must be going through a pianist's mind while they perform a difficult piece of music, all fingers flying over the keys.

 What an incredible feeling it must be for his brain to direct his fingers to press the appropriate keys at the appropriate times with the appropriate force in accordance with the knowledge in his mind! And the brain alerts him right away if he strikes a poor note.!

His brain has been wired for all of this intricate work through years of training. But the only reason it is feasible is that the human brain is wired to be able to process music from birth.

The human brain is "endowed with greater capacity than can be found in a single lifetime," according to the book Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The human brain is claimed to be capable of handling any amount of learning and accurately storing it. and repeat it several times! Why, then, did evolution generate that surplus? 

One scientist said, "In fact, this is the first instance in which an organism was given an organ that has not yet learned how to use it. The growth of the human brain, he continued, "remains the most incomprehensible part."


Denis dejong'

Do not fear computers, fear lack of them

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