As the year’s pass and usage of the internet increase at a faster rate than its speed of use, the internet gets slower.


Due to the size of the issue, you can use the internet to discover a solution and enjoy unlimited free internet.

To access free internet, you must have PD proxy. This freeware program fixes the internet problem if you carefully follow the usage instructions.

Let's begin by defining this PROXY.

If you've ever used Filezilla, you know what I'm talking about when I explain that a PROXY is a software that serves as an intermediary HUB and whose function it is to PROCESS information that comes from the server, whether it be FILE or WEB information.

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Because PD-PROXY or PROXY users employ server information details, it is simple for them to conceal their identities. For this reason, users are provided with PROXIES internet protocols so that nobody can find out where they are (locality)... Hackers that want to break into networks and steal various data also prefer to use this.


We say "free internet" because the server responds to queries sent from the computer acting as a NODE, which is how the proxy also enables free use of the internet. Here, we use these access providers to connect, and the server itself continues to make the connection directly of the server.




Once you get the PD-PROXY program (which is at the conclusion of these instructions), you need to EXTRACT it and put it in a specific location on your computer (drive D, E, or F, depending on where you see it). And be careful to include the portion of the folder that you will NOT MOVE.


You can receive a Username and Password by going to REGISTER on the PD-PROXY network. Once you have them, you can input them in the USERNAME and PASSWORD part of the PD-PROXY software.



You enter your username and password and after that you select "DEMO SERVER" and this gives you free 100mb and after that we enter the connections side.




When you want to make connections, make sure you connect your modem with the WORK LINE IS FOR YOU and after that CONNECT.... once it is connected, you are now CONNECT with the PD-PROXY software and now you will wait until it is connected to itself and after connecting you can use you will get your free 100 mb every day while you are doing that


also if you want unlimited free internet for a month you join for 12000 tsh you will get a premium account which will be free download and browsing for this month for any internet you use.

download pd proxy here    

Denis dejong'

Do not fear computers, fear lack of them

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